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We are Breaking Gens!

It's a Joy to have you here! We welcome you to come in peace and know you will leave with J.O.Y.. 

On the horizon

After years of being feed and pouring, the time has come to share the journey I've embarked upon. It is by the grace of God that I have been able to finally bring these things to a point of sharing. I wish I could say this is easy and natural but, as an ad vide journaler and as someone who loves the feet of Jesus, opening up about the behind-the-scenes of everyday ministry has been a P.U.S.H I can transparently say I've resisted. 

That being said I hope you truly enjoy this dive into the deep with me and are ready to get uncomfortable and naked as we pursue the posture we were always supposed to be in standing. Let's get naked together and discover that although we may not always feel like it, we are okay. I hope at the end of each post, blog, book, or Vlog you realize that You Are Worthy and understand why. 

We are Breaking Gens and I plead J.O.Y.!

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